Hour | Activity | Location |
09h30 | Photography Workshop IMAGES THAT TELL STORIES | Casa da Cultura |
17h00 | Opening of Exhibitions - Photography Projects Plano Frontal 2018 EXTRACORPÓREO (Extracorporeal), Sofia Espada DESAPEGO (Detachement), Clara Araújo [Attended by the author] | Praça da República |
18h00 | Opening of Exhibition "120x160"
Visita guiada por Bernard Despomadères |
Museu de Cinema Jean Loup Passek |
18h30 | Reception to all participants for OFF THE SCREEN | Casa da Cultura |
19h30 | Opening of Photography Exhibition and book presentation THOSE WHO STAY, by João Gigante Opening of Exhibition OVER THERE, WHERE THE EXTREMES MEET, Luís Miguel Portela Book presentation Who Are We Here - Parada do Monte e Cubalhão |
Casa da Cultura |
22h00 | Debut (premiere) of documentaries produced during Film Residency Frontal Shot 2018 TONINHO, O RINGO D’ARMANDA (Toninho, Armanda’s Ringo) Emanuel V. da Silva | Portugal, 2019, 14' DIREITO POR LINHAS TORTAS (Getting there in a roundabout way) Martina Tzvetan | Portugal, 2019, 14' DOMUS Inês Silva | Portugal, 2019, 14' O ÚNICO DIA QUE NÃO REPETIMOS (The Only Day We Don't Repeat) Maria Inês Rodrigues | Portugal, 2019, 17' SABOR SALGADO (Salted Flavour) Vasco Trabulo Bäuerle | Portugal, 2019, 8' | Casa da Cultura |
Hour | Activity | Location |
10h00 | Beginning of Summer Course OFF THE SCREEN – Contemporary Narratives | Casa da Cultura |
11h00 | RELATO ACTIVISTA TRANSMEDIAL: LA PRIMAVERA ROSA Alfonso Palazón, Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Univ. Rey Juan Carlos Jesús Ramé, Equipo de investigación Intermedia - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Gloria Gómez - Escalonilla, Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Univ. Rey Juan Carlos | Casa da Cultura |
17h00 | Screening films Running for the Jean-Loup Passek Award L'AVENIR DU PASSÉ, PIERRE ET YOLAND PERRAULT Mina Rad | France, 2019, 61’ [Attended by the director] | Casa da Cultura |
18h15 | Screening films Running for the Jean-Loup Passek Award SELFIE Agostino Ferrente | Italy, 2019, 85' [Attended by the director] | Casa da Cultura |
21h30 | Screening films Running for the Jean-Loup Passek Award O MAR ENROLA NA AREIA (The Hissing Of Summer Sands) Catarina Mourão | Portugal, 2019, 15' [Attended by the director] O LABIRINTO DA SAUDADE (Saudade's Labyrinth - A Mythic Psychoanalysis Of The Portuguese Destiny) Miguel Gonçalves Mendes | Portugal, 2018, 65' [Attended by the director] | Casa da Cultura |
Hour | Activity | Location |
10h00 | Emotional Map of Miraflor Manuela Matos Monteiro e João Lafuente, ESPAÇO MIRA e MIRA FORUM | Casa da Cultura |
14h00 | Photographed History Sandra Regina Nunes, DIVERSITAS, Universidade de São Paulo Daniel Maciel, AO NORTE – Grupo de Estudos em Cinema e Narrativas Digitais | Casa da Cultura |
15h00 | Exhibition presentation QUEM SOMOS OS QUE AQUI ESTAMOS - em trânsito (Who Are We Here - In transit), Daniel Maciel | Junta Freguesia de Parada do Monte |
17h00 | Screening films Running for the Jean-Loup Passek Award TERRA Julia Kushnarenko | Russia, 2018, 30’ [Attended by the director] | Casa da Cultura |
17h30 | RUSSA João Salaviza | Portugal, 2018, 20' | Casa da Cultura |
Intermission | ||
18h00 | SISTERS OF THE TREES Camila Menéndez, Lucas Peñafort | Argentina, 2019, 82' | Casa da Cultura |
21h30 | Screening films Running for the Jean-Loup Passek Award WASH ME PLEASE Ali Nikfar, Saeed Mayahy | Iran, 2018, 6' CHRIS THE SWISS Anja Kofmel | Switzerland / Croatia / Finland / Germany, 2018, 90' | Casa da Cultura |
22h00 | Special Outdoor Session: FREGUESIA DE PARADA DO MONTE
Guest FilmMENINA Cristina Pinheiro | France, 2017, 100' |
Parada do Monte |
Hour | Activity | Location |
10h00 | KINO MEETING - A meeting on film literacy | Solar do Alvarinho |
14h30 | Unexpected Narratives: Hyper and Transitory Essays Glaúcia Davino, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie | Casa da Cultura |
15h30 | OLD AND NEW ROLES OF CINEMATECAS Tiago Baptista, Director of the National Archive of Moving Pictures | Casa da Cultura |
17h00 | Screening films Running for the Jean-Loup Passek Award RUSSIAN DREAMER Dmitrii Vologdin, Ilya Zverev | Russia, 2018, 38' CHINESE DREAM Lena Karbe, Tristan Coloma | Germany, 2018, 24' LA FLACA (The Bony Lady) Thiago Zanato, Adriana Barbosa | USA, 2018, 20' | Casa da Cultura |
18h35 | Screening films Running for the Jean-Loup Passek Award HÁLITO AZUL (Blue Breath) Rodrigo Areias | Portugal / Finland / France, 2018, 75' | Casa da Cultura |
21h30 | Screening films Running for the Jean-Loup Passek Award QUATRO ESTAÇÕES E OUTONO (Four Seasons And Autumn) Pedro Sena Nunes | Portugal, 2018, 90' | Casa da Cultura |
Hour | Activity | Location |
10h00 | PROJECT WALACHAI – German Migration in Brazil Rejane Zilles, Festival Mimo de Cinema | Casa da Cultura |
10h30 | KINO MEETING - A meeting on film literacy | Solar do Alvarinho |
14h00 | O SAMBA DO BECO E O SAMBA DAS ROCAS - Samba of resistance and shared research in urban environments Lisabete Coradini, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Comité de Antropologia Visual da Associação Brasileira de Antropologia José da Silva Ribeiro, Universidade Federal de Goiás, AO NORTE – Grupo de Estudos em Cinema e Narrativas Digitais | Casa da Cultura |
17h00 | Screening films Running for the Jean-Loup Passek Award AROUND THE BED OF A DYING COLLABORATOR Tal Michael, David Ofek | Israel, 2018, 51' | Casa da Cultura |
18h00 | HAMADA Eloy Domínguez Serén | Sweden / Norway / Germany, 2019, 88' | Casa da Cultura |
21h30 | Screening films Running for the Jean-Loup Passek Award LA STRADA DEI SAMOUNI (Samouni Road) Stefano Savona | Italy / France, 2018, 126' | Casa da Cultura |
22h00 | Special Outdoor Session: Castro Laboreiro
Guest FilmMENINA Cristina Pinheiro | France, 2017, 100' |
Castro Laboreiro |
Hour | Activity | Location |
10h00 | Beginning of the Program HOP TO MELGAÇO | Casa da Cultura |
10h00 | Visit to Photography Exhibition THOSE WHO STAY, with João Gigante OVER THERE, WHERE THE EXTREMES MEET, Luís Miguel Portela | Casa da Cultura |
10h30 | Screening films Running for the Jean-Loup Passek Award DECLIVE (Slope) Eduardo Brito | Portugal, 2018, 7' FORDLANDIA MALAISE Susana Sousa Dias | Portugal, 2019, 40' TIO TOMÁS, A CONTABILIDADE DOS DIAS (Uncle Thomas, Accounting For The Days) Regina Pessoa | Portugal, 2019, 13' DER PATRIOT (The Patriot) Katja Fedulova | Germany, 2018, 30' | Casa da Cultura |
14h30 | Visit to Exhibitions of Photography Residency PLANO FRONTAL SHOT 2018 EXTRACORPÓREO, Sofia Espada DETACHMENT, Clara Araújo | Praça da República |
15h30 | Visit to Memória e Fronteira Museum | Espaço Memória e Fronteira |
16h00 | Screening films Running for the Jean-Loup Passek Award PEOPLE OF THE WASTELAND Heba Khaled | Syrian Arab Republic, 2018, 21' | Casa da Cultura |
16h30 | MY RUSSIAN SPRING Xenia Sigalova | Germany, 2018, 79' | Casa da Cultura |
18h00 | CAMPO Tiago Hespanha | Portugal, 2019, 100' | Casa da Cultura |
21h30 | Screening films Running for the Jean-Loup Passek Award ALL INCLUSIVE Corina Schwingruber Ilić | Switzerland, 2018, 10' THE WAR ON MY PHONE Elke Sasse | Germany / Switzerland, 2018, 90' | Casa da Cultura |
Hour | Activity | Location |
10h30 | Special Session . Guest Films 20 years Short Film Agency Session presented by Eduardo BritoCINEMA Rodrigo Areias | Portugal, 2014, 9'38'' CIDADE PEQUENA(Small Town) Diogo Costa Amarante | Portugal, 2016, 19' SINAIS DE SERENIDADE POR COISAS SEM SENTIDO (Signs Of Stillness Out Of Meaningless Things) Sandro Aguilar | Portugal, 2012, 28' |
Auditório da Porta de Lamas de Mouro |
14h30 | Visit Exhibition WHO ARE WE HERE between pathways | Junta de Freguesia de Prado e Remoães |
16h00 | Screening films Running for the Jean-Loup Passek Award TINY SOULS Dina Naser | Jordan / Qatar / France, 2019, 85' | Casa da Cultura |
17h45 | Screening films Running for the Jean-Loup Passek Award BY THE NAME OF TANIA Mary Jimenez, Bénédicte Liénard | Belgium, 2019, 85' | Casa da Cultura |
19h15 | Jean-Loup Passek Award ceremony | Casa da Cultura |
21h30 | Visit to the Exhibition "120x160" | Museu de Cinema de Melgaço - Jean Loup Passek |
Guest FilmMENINA Cristina Pinheiro | France, 2017, 100' |
Torre do Castelo |