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Filmes do Homem

mdoc festival
filmes do homem

Hop to Melgaço

During the sixties thousands of Portuguese people emigrated to France "on the hop", such was the name of the clandestine journey of those looking for a new destination.

We propose that you take, not a bumpy ride like the ones from that era, but a leap to Melgaço on the 5th and 6th of August, and share with us the program we have prepared as part of Filmes do Homem.


05 August . Saturday

Hour Activity Location
09h30 Reception to all participants Casa da Cultura
10h00 Visit to photography exhibitions FESTA, with João Gigante, and DAILY BREAD, with Venice Atienza Casa da Cultura
10h30 TUKKE’B TEERE BA / THE TRIP OF THE BOOK Dani Millán | Spain, 2017, 10' Attended by the director -
10h40 A ILHA DOS AUSENTES / ISLAND OF THE ABSENT José Vieira | Portugal / France, 2016, 61' -
12h30 Lunch -
14h30 Visit to photography exhibition ENCOUNTER, with Diogo Santos Praça da República
15h00 Presentation by Aser Álvarez of the book ARRAIANO ENTRE OS ARRAIANOS, de Xosé Luís Méndez Ferrín por Salão Nobre da Câmara Municipal
16h45 THE VALLEY OF SALT / O VALE DO SAL Christophe Saber | Switzerland, 2016, 62' Casa da Cultura
18h00 MARIA SEM PECADO Mário Macedo | Portugal, 2016, 29' -
18h30 LA DEUXIÈME NUIT / THE SECOND NIGHT Eric Pauwels | Belgium, 2016, 75' -
Dinner -
21h30 GRAB AND RUN / AGARRA E CORRE Roser Corella | Germany / Spain, 2016, 86' -
23h30 PARTY Nights at the Park [DJ LINO (GUILHERME BARROS)] Parque Rio do Porto

06 August . Sunday

Hour Activity Location
10h30 SPECIAL SCREENING Guest film FRONTEIRAS / BORDERS Rubén Pardiñas | Spain, 2007, 58' Conversation with Rubén Pardiñas, Aser Álvarez, Albertino Gonçalves and António Medeiros. Auditório de Lamas de Mouro
13h00 Lunch at termas de melgaço -
16h00 CIDADE PEQUENA Diogo Costa Amarante | Portugal, 2016, 19'

MANODOPERA Loukianos Moshonas | France / Greece, 2016, 29'

HIDDEN PHOTOS / IMAGENS ESCONDIDAS Davide Grotta | Italy, 2016, 79'
Casa da Cultura
AWARDS CEREMONY Jean-Loup Passek -
19h30 Dinner -
21h00 Opening of exhibition the golden age of polish film posters Museu de Cinema Jean-Loup Passek
22h00 SPECIAL SCREENING . CINEMA IN THE TOWER Guest Film CASTRO LABOREIRO Ricardo Costa | Portugal, 1979, 85' Film presented by Álvaro Campêlo Torre de Menagem de Melgaço