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Filmes do Homem

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filmes do homem


Off the Screen

José da Silva Ribeiro

José da Silva Ribeiro . coordinator

José has a doctorate in Social Sciences – Anthropology and completed higher Studies in Film and Video at the Arts School of Porto. He’s a Professor at the School of Visual Arts, University of Goiás and a Researcher at the Migration Studies Center and Intercultural Relations from the Open University, where he is responsible for the Media Research Group and Cultural Mediations. He’s conducted field work in Cape Verde and in the urban peripheries of Lisbon and Porto, Brazil, Cuba and Argentina. Co Organizer of the Viana do Castelo International Film Conference, the International Seminar Images of Culture/Culture of Images. Coordinator of the Images of Culture/Culture of Images network. Collaborator with DIVERSITAS-USP. Visiting professor at European universities and Latin America.

Alice Fátima Martins

Alice Fátima Martins

Professor at the Faculty of Visual Arts of the Federal University of Goiás, in the Degree in Visual Arts and the Postgraduate Program in Art and Visual Culture. CNPq Productivity Fellow. Researcher at the Advanced Program of Contemporary Culture PACC / UFRJ (2009-2010). PhD in Sociology (UnB, 2004); Master in Education (UnB, 1997). Author of the books Saudades do futuro: a ficção científica no cinema e o imaginário social sobre o devir (Ed UnB, 2013), and Catadores de sucata da indústria cultural (Ed UFG, 2013). She has developed the research project Other filmmakers, with funding from FAPEG and CNPq, where she investigates the different processes of directing, distribution and relation with the public of low cost cinema works.

álvaro domingues

Álvaro Domingues

Álvaro António Gomes Domingues (Melgaço, 1959) is a geographer, PhD in Human Geography and associate professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto. Teaching activity: Teacher of the integrated master's and doctoral program in Architecture and PhD Course at FAUP; Member of the Scientific Council at FAUP; Professor of the Master’s degree "Project of the Urban Environment" (FAUP/FEUP); Teacher of PhD Course of Architecture of the University of Coimbra.; Professor of the Summer Courses at the Serralves Foundation; Visiting professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Visiting Professor at the University of Granada. Regularly collaborates with other universities, foundations, Público newspaper, cultural and professional associations, whilst developing a regular activity as a lecturer. Research fields: Urban Geography, Urban Planning, Landscape, Territory, Cultural Policy. His recent books include: Vida no Campo (ed. Dafne, Porto, 2012), A Rua da Estrada (ed.Dafne, Porto, 2010) and Políticas Urbanas II (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, 2012 with Nuno Portas and João Cabral)

Denise Machado Cardoso

Denise Machado Cardoso

Denise Machado Cardoso is an anthropologist and historian, currently living and working in Belém do Pará, northern Amazonia. She is a PhD (2006) in Social and Environmental Development and holds a Masters (2000) in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Pará. She is a member of the Research Ethics Committee at the same university and coordinates the Arthur Napoleão Figueiredo Laboratory of Anthropology (LAANF) developing studies about social relations on gender, ethnomuseology, indigenous health, education and cyberculture. Coordinator of the Visual and Image Anthropology Studies Group (VISAGEM) and the Group of Studies on Indigenous Populations (GEPI).

Graça Lobo

Graça Lobo

Graça Lobo holds a Masters degree in Cultural Management with a Thesis in Public Education for Cinema. She was Coordinator of the Project Group for the National Cinema Plan, in 2012/13 and 2013/14. Co-author and coordinator of the Youth / Cinema / School Program for the Regional Education Board of Algarve since 1997/98. Co-author of the Option Subject in Cinema Program of the 3rd cycle of Basic Education. She was a primary and high school teacher between 1975 and 1997 and supervising professor in Teachers’ formation at Escola Superior da Educação of Algarve from 1993 to 1996. Visiting professor at the University of Algarve teaching Cinema subjects between 1994 and 2001.Graça is an accredited trainer by the Council for Continuing Education of Teachers, and has held dozens of training courses in Film Literacy since 1999. Vice president of the Faro film club from 1996 to 2008. Coordinator of several publications in the field of cinema. She made presentations in National and International Congresses.

Isa Catarina Mateus

Isa Catarina Mateus

Isa completed the curricular part of the Master's Degree in Contemporary Art History at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2000) and a Degree in Portuguese Studies - field of scientific specialization at the University of Algarve (1998). Has the Course of Musical Education and piano, by the Regional Conservatory of Algarve (1992). She did radio. Founding member of RADIX, within the Ministry of Culture. Editorial coordinator of Sul Magazine. Teacher of Music Education, Civic Education and Portuguese History at basic education. Lecturer of Contemporary Artistic Movements in Higher Education. Instructor of Visual Communication and Photography and Video and author of the teaching materials for the curricular unit of psychoanalysis at the University of Algarve. Trainer in Art History and Educational Technologies, Audiovisual Media in Actions for the Continuing Education of Teachers. She was a member of the artistic training team, field of Literature and Writing, in the project ‘I see a monument from my window’ from the Regional Directorate of Culture of Algarve. Coordinator of the training for the National Cinema Plan, instructor in the Initiation, Continuity and Follow-up Training Actions of Teachers and author of the pedagogical materials of the PNC (2012-2014). She has made communications in congresses in the fields of Art History and literacy and has also published poetry and short stories. Isa develops workshops in reading, writing and voice for students from the different levels of education. Collaborator and author of the training materials of the Youth / Cinema / School Program and author of the project VER para LER of the Algarve Regional Education Board since 2004. Coordinator of the Training Committee of the Faro film club.


João Lafuente

João José do Coito Lafuente, graduated in Applied Mathematics from the University of Porto and has held the position of computer technician at Caixa Geral dos Depósitos bank. He has dedicated himself to photography since adolescence and had some of his works published in books and magazines. Has participated in group exhibitions and held solo and co-authored exhibitions with Manuela Matos Monteiro. Among the various exhibits produced, highlights include "Carnival in Venice", "The Harvest", "The Light of the Crystal", "Istanbul – Melancholic Itineraries", "Tropicana / Matanzas", "South of Dakar", "Istanbul and Lisbon – Melancholic Itineraries". Among other interventions it stands out the work, also co-authored, on the Douro: official photograph of the 250th anniversary of the demarcated region, exhibition on the region in Parliament ("The Douro in the Tagus" with Siza Vieira, José Rodrigues and Gracinda Candeias) in the European Parliament/Brussels, Paris, Bordeaux, Maputo and Beira (Mozambique) and in various different areas of the Douro and Porto. Co Manager of MIRA and MIRA FORUM galleries in Campanhã, Porto since October 2013, with Manuela Matos Monteiro.


João Martins

João Martins (1977) is a musician and soundman. He has been an active figure in improvised and experimental music since 1996, with a vast array of national and international collaborations. Cooperates with the theatre company Visões Úteis (Porto) since 1998 where, in addition to working in soundtracks composition and sound design for theater plays, he also developed other performance formats in the landscape. Collaborator with a number of educational services from noted cultural institutions. Has developed, whilst working with local communities, audiowalks and audio installations where he explores the relationships between territory, collective memory and individual biographies. Attended the Music Conservatory in Aveiro, the Faculty of Architecture at Porto University and the Open University, where he completed his degree in Artistic Studies. He´s a teacher at Escola Superior de Música and Artes do Espectáculo (ESMAE-IPP) and Academia Contemporânea do Espectáculo (ACE).

José Antônio Martinuzzo

José Antônio Martinuzzo

Postdoctoral degree (2014) in Media and Quotidian, Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Rio de Janeiro. Master's degree (2003) and PhD (2006) in Communication from UFF. Associate Professor of the Department of Social Communication at the Federal University of Espírito Santo. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Communication and Territorialities. Member of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis of Vitória. Journalist and writer.


Manuela Matos Monteiro

Manuela Matos Monteiro has a background in Philosophy and Psychology and is the co-author of books on PsychoSociology, Psychology and author of books on Pedagogy and Design methodology among others (ed. Porto). Edited the magazine 2: POINTS for several years and coordinated the NetProf website. She’s had a keen interest in photography for many years, displaying her work in collective and individual exhibitions. Her art has been recognized through awards obtained in various photography contests, including 1st prize in the international competition "La femme et la vigne". Her work has been published in several books and magazines. Among the different interventions one can highlight the work co-authored with João Lafuente on the Douro. Since 2011, she’s been developing experiences with a Smartphone exploring the device capabilities for capturing and editing of photos. Had some of her work selected and exhibited in Los Angeles, Kansas City, Miami, Tokyo, Berlin, Florence, and Verona among others. Held two solo exhibitions: at the Montalegre Ecomuseum (2012) and the "Contemplation" exhibition at House Museum Abel Salazar (December 2014). One of her "Self(ie) evidence" got 1st prize in the self-portrait category at the MPA 2014 competition, the most prestigious award in mobile photography. Co Manager, with João Lafuente, of MIRA and MIRA FORUM galleries in Campanhã, Porto.

Renato Amram Athias

Renato Amram Athias

Renato Athias is the general coordinator of the Recife International Festival of Ethnographic Film. He holds a degree in Philosophy from Dom Bosco Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences ad Arts (1975), MA in Ethnology – Université de Paris X, (Nanterre, 1982) with a dissertation on the Notion of Ethnic Identity in Brazilian Anthropology. Holds a Doctorate in Ethnology by the same University (1995). He conducted studies in the fields of Media and Television at the University of Southampton (UK). Coordinator of the Center for Studies and Research on Race (NEPE), UFPE and is Assistant Professor of the Graduate Program in Anthropology at UFPE. Currently coordinates the Visual Anthropology Laboratory of the Image, Sound & Human Sciences at UFPE.

Paula Godinho

Paula Godinho

Paula Godinho is an anthropologist (Department of Anthropology and Institute of Contemporary History of FCSH-UNL). She has carried out fieldwork over several years in Portugal, the border and in Galicia, on social reproduction, rituality, resistance and social movements, memory usages and heritage practices, processes of emblematization and commercialization of culture, topographies of power and bordering cultures. She published and coordinated several works and commissioned the exhibition "Between Margins - The Treaty of Boundaries of 1864 between Portugal and Spain" at Torre do Tombo (2014-2015). Winner of the Xesús Taboada Chivite Award (2008, Galicia) and Honorary Judge awarded by the Association of Friends of Couto Mixto (Galicia, 2011).

Rosane Zanotti

Rosane Zanotti

Professor of the Department of Social Communication at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) since 2005. Researcher of the groups Mediated Society and Contemporary Communications Practices / UFES, Laboratory of Communication and Quotidian - ComC / UFES and Laboratory of Studies in Creativity and Trends - LECET / UFES. Graduated in Social Communication - Advertising and Propaganda by UFES (1994). Master in Design by PUC-Rio (2005). PhD in Design from PUC-Rio (2013) with an 11-month intermediate doctorate (2011/2012), held with a CAPES scholarship at the Laboratory of Visual Anthropology / CEMRI, Open University (Portugal). Fields of practice and research themes: photography; contemporary communication technologies; media, quotidian and sociabilities.

Sérgio Rizzo

Sérgio Rizzo

Journalist, master’s degree in Arts/Cinema, with a dissertation on Woody Allen, and a doctorate in Media and Audiovisual Processes, with a thesis on the formation of teachers for an audiovisual education, from the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo. He is a presenter for the TV channel Arte 1, collaborator with the newspapers "O Globo", "Valor Econômico" and "Folha de S. Paulo", and publications in the field of education, such as "Mundo" newspaper and "Carta Educação". Professor at FAAP and PUC-SP, at the International Academy of Cinema, the Augusto Laranja College, the Museum of Image and Sound, Casa do Saber, the Itaú Cinema Space and at Sesc-SP units.Sérgio is a member of the Selection Committees at É Tudo Verdade – the International Documentary Festival and the International Film Festival of São Paulo. He is also a member of the Ignorant Essays project, which combines theater and reading activities and develops projects as executive producer for the Parece Cinema production company. Author of the books "Cinema e Educação - 200 Films on School and Life" (Ed. Segmento), "Família e Educação - Quatro Olhares" (Ed. Papirus) and "Vitória - Ayrton Senna" (Ed. Melhoramentos), as well as several participations in Anthologies – like “Cinema and Psychoanalysis" (Ed. nVersos), "Os Filmes que Sonhamos" (Lume), "Futebol, Comunicação e Cultura" (Unesp/Intercom), "Coleção Folha Clássicos do Cinema" (Letramento/Abraccine/ Canal Brazil) - and in catalogs of exhibitions and retrospectives dedicated to filmmakers such as Ingmar Bergman, Woody Allen, Stanley Kubrick, Quentin Tarantino and the Dardenne brothers.