Traveling in the Time of Others - Castro Laboreiro is part of the Family Archive series, was born from the Family Album creation and keeps transforming itself into yet other creations, like the one I propose now. This sharing aims to provide the viewer with a family gathering. I propose a return to the familiar ritual of viewing photographs, their materiality, photographs that are often from travels, festivities, moments of everyday life and most of the time articulated with texts or captions. It is also important to be able to experience the report in the first person about a certain photograph, because the registered image is important for those who were part of it, as well as the imagery of people and their observational side about a certain image. In collaboration with MDOC - Melgaço International Documentary Festival, a group of women residents of Castro Laboreiro, those who stayed behind and witnessed the departure of their husbands, children, brothers, will revisit visual documents on a journey that aims to revisit a memory, a culture, a heritage, traversing personal stories that go through the era and its socioeconomic context.