
Animation film workshop

The greatest lesson in the world

...06 August

Melgaço Museum of Cinema
abi feijó

The Greatest Lesson in the World is a UNICEF project, where 17 objectives were set with a view to Sustainable Development to be achieved by 2030. This project aims to raise awareness amongst participants about these crucial problems currently facing mankind.


To reflect on these major objectives, particularly on Gender Equality, and create a small, 2-minute long animated film.


12 Youngsters aged 10 to 16 years old


August 2021 days 2 to 6
Day 2 from 14:00h to 18:00h
Days 3 to 6 from 9:30h to 12:30h and 14:00h to 18:00h


  • Introduction to the subject matter
  • Projection of some animated films made in similar situations
  • Definition of ideas and construction of a narrative
  • Completion of a storyboard
  • Choice of working technique
  • Viewing of some films made with the chosen technique
  • According to the technique and the storyboard, different tasks will be shared among the participants
  • Execution of characters, sets and props
  • Filming / Animation
  • Sound and music recording, in case any participant knows how to play an instrument


Abi Feijó

Director, Producer, Professor of Animation Cinema and Director of the House Museum of Vilar. PhD from University of Fine Arts of Porto (80). Internship at the National Film Board of Canada (85), where he directs his first film. Founder of Filmógrafo (87), Casa da Animação (01), Ciclope Filmes (02) and Quinta Imagem (12). Director of the following films: How Calm it is (85), Time of Darkness (87), The Outlaws (93), Portuguese Fado (95), Stowaway (00) and Our Lady of the Presentation (15) among others, which received over 40 mentions and awards. Worked as Producer on (since 97): The Night (99), Tragic Story with Happy Ending (05) and Kali the Little Vampire (12) by Regina Pessoa, Amélia & Duarte (15) by Alice Guimarães and Mónica Santos. The produced films have received about 95 awards and mentions. Tutor in several Animation Film workshops in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Israel, Scotland, Poland, Brazil, Mexico, Lebanon and China, especially with children (since 85) and young people. Professor at Catholic University of Porto (99-01), ESAP (02-16), Na Tainan National University of Arts (Taiwan) (06-09), ESAG Guimarães (since 2009) and University of Algarve (12-13), at BAU - Centro Universitário de Diseño of Barcelona (15-17). He also served as President of ASIFA - International Animation Film Association (00-02) and Vice President of ASIFA Workshop Group (95-01). Co-author of the interactive manual Teaching With Animation ( Currently running the House Museum of Vilar – the Moving Image - (since 14) and producing the animation short films: Uncle Tomás and the Accounting of Days by Regina Pessoa, in co-production with ONF / NFB Canada and Les Armateurs (France) and also Ride, by Paul Bush, a co-production with Ancient Mariner, UK. In 2019, Abi was invited to join the North American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which awards the Oscars.

Abi Feijó