Degree in Philosophy, Bachelor in Film and Video, Master’s in Multimedia Educational Communication and PhD in Anthropology - visual anthropology and digital anthropology. He coordinates the Research Group on Media and Cultural Mediations - CEMRI Open University and the Group of Studies on Cinema and Digital Narratives of AO NORTE. Collaborator with several Universities, Centers and Research Groups and Film Festivals in Portugal and Brazil. José undertakes field work, research and audiovisual production in Brazil and Portugal. Coordinates with Professor Alice Martins at REDARTH - Network for International Cooperation in Education, Arts and Humanities and participates in the Management of AIETORG - International Association of Transcultural Studies.
Holds a PhD from the Postgraduate Program in Sociology and Anthropology - PPGSA / UFPA, Master in Social Anthropology from the same Program (2014), and Specialist in "African Education and Knowledge and the implementation of Law 10,639" from the Federal University of Pará (2012). He holds a degree in Social Sciences from the same university (2005). He works as a Teacher (Class II) at the State Department of Education (SEDUC / PA) and as an external teacher at UFPA. He is a founding member of the Research Group on Visual Anthropology and Image - Visagem / PPGSA, and editor of the e-Magazine Visagem. He is a curator of the showings at the Ethnographic Film Festival of Recife and coordinator of the Ethnographic Film Festival of Pará.
PhD and degree in Information and Communication Sciences from the Complutense University. Recipient of the Aurelio Paz dos Reis International Award, 2016. Full Professor of Audiovisual Communication at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of Rey Juan Carlos University. He has worked on various audiovisual projects as director, producer and screenwriter. Alfonso is currently co-producing the transmedia project A Primavera Rosa.
PhD in Anthropology - Power, Resistance and Social Movements, by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Nova University of Lisbon. Developer of research on uses and practices of culture directed to marginalized populations, with special interest in its application in prison contexts. Alongside AO NORTE, Daniel has been collaborating in projects of collection, inventory and reflection around historical photographs in personal albums.
Anthropologist, graduated in History and PhD in Socio-Environmental Development. She coordinates the Research Group in Visual Anthropology and Image (Visagem) and Study Group on Indigenous Populations Eneida Correa de Assis (GEPI). Coordination team member of the Visual Anthropology Committee of the Brazilian Association of Anthropology (CAV-ABA). Denise works as coordinator of the Arthur Napoleão Figueiredo Anthropology Laboratory (LAANF) and as a professor in the Postgraduate Program in Sociology and Anthropology (PPGSA) and the Postgraduate Program in Cities, Territories and Identities (PPGCITI) from the Federal University of Pará.
PhD in Communication Sciences - USP. Master’s in Arts - USP. Bachelor in Social Communication - Cinema - USP. Has professional experience in audiovisual. Lecturer in the Interdisciplinary Post Graduation Program "Education, Art and History of Culture", at Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Leader of the NAV Research Group - Audiovisual Nucleus. Researcher on audiovisual script since 1989. She has been developing unpublished research on Brazilian screenwriters. Created and coordinated the Writers' Stories Seminars since 2009. Gláucia investigates themes in the fields of languages related to audiovisual and contemporary media and technologies, focusing on creative procedures.
Graduated in Journalism and PhD in Audiovisual Communication from UCM. Professor of Communication at the Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid. Director of the Official Master’s of Digital Journalism and New Professional Profiles of URJC.
Bachelor and Master’s degree in Philosophy (UNED). Professor of the Audiovisual Communication Department at the Rey Juan Carlos University and postgraduate professor (UNED) of the course "Audiovisual Literacy for Teachers". Member of the research team Intermedis (URJC) where he coordinates literacy projects and audiovisual creation. Professor of Vocational Training in Audiovisual Media (CES). Professional editor.
Graduate in Applied Mathematics from the University of Porto, worked as a computer technician at Caixa Geral de Depósitos. He has been dedicated to photography since adolescence, with some of his works published in books and magazines. Participated in collective exhibitions and held individual exhibitions and in co-authorship with Manuela Matos Monteiro. Among the various exhibitions produced are "Carnival in Venice", "The Harvest", "Crystalline light", "Istanbul - Roadmap of melancholy", "Tropicana / Matanzas", "South of Dakar" Istanbul and Lisbon - Roadmaps of melancholy ". Among other interventions, we should also mention his work in co-authorship on the river Douro: official photograph of the 250th anniversary of the demarcated region, an exhibition about the region in Parliament (" the Douro on the Tagus” with Siza Vieira, José Rodrigues and Gracinda Candeias), in the European Parliament / Brussels, Paris, Bordeaux, Maputo and Beira (Mozambique), in various areas of the Douro and Porto. Since October 2013, with Manuela Matos Monteiro, João has been running the galleries ESPAÇO MIRA and MIRA FORUM, in Campanhã, Porto.
Master's degree in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1992) and PhD in Anthropology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (2000). She is currently a Professor of the Department of Anthropology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Coordinator of NAVIS Nucleus of Visual Anthropology, Research Directory / CNPq-UFRN. She directed the following films: No Mato das Mangabeiras, Seu Pernambuco, Cinema Moçambicano em Movimento, Sila, Mulher Cangaceira, Mestre Zorro, among others. Member of the Commission for the Elaboration and Evaluation of the Audiovisual Production Classification Script / CAPES. Member of the ANPOCS Image and Sound Commission in 2001-2002 and the Visual Anthropology GT of ABA (2009-2010) and (2011-2012). She has published: Praça XV space and sociability; Anthropology and Image; Cities and their Images. She organized a Dossier on audiovisual Film anthropology. She has experience in the field of Anthropology, with emphasis in Urban and Audiovisual Anthropology, working mainly in the following subjects: cities, spaces, memories, narratives, film, African cinema and the use of image. Lisabete is currently chair of the ABA Visual Anthropology Commission.
Has a degree in Philosophy and Psychology. Co-author of books on Psychosociology, Psychology and author of Pedagogy books, Project Methodology among others (Porto Ed). She managed the 2:PONTOS magazine for two years and coordinated the NetProf website. She has been involved in photography for several years, enrolling her work in collective and individual exhibitions. Her work has been recognized through awards obtained in several photography competitions, including 1st prize in the international contest "La femme et la vigne" and published in books and magazines. Among the numerous interventions can be highlighted the work in co-authorship with João Lafuente, on the river Douro. Since 2011, Manuela has been developing experiences with a Smartphone exploring the potential of the device in capturing and editing photographs. She had selected works and exhibitions in Los Angeles, Kansas City, Miami, Tokyo, Berlin, Florence, Verona and others. She held two solo exhibitions: at the Montalegre Ecomuseum (2012) and the exhibition "Contemplation" at the Casa Museu Abel Salazar (December 2014). One of her "Self (ie) evidence" won the 1st prize in the self-portrait category in the 2014 MPA competition, the most prestigious award in mobile photography.
Filmmaker, actress and producer. Graduated in Performing Arts from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro / UNIRIO, she works in the film production market. She has been the director and curator of the Mimo Film Festival since its first edition. MIMO is held in Paraty, Olinda, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Amarante / Portugal. Directed and produced the short film THE BOOK OF WALACHAI - exhibited in more than thirty festivals in and outside Brazil. She premiered as a feature director with the documentary WALACHAI - released on the national circuit in 2013. Rejane was born and lived her childhood in this community of German origin in southern Brazil and learned to speak Portuguese only when she was seven years old. Whilst filming, she documents her hometown.
Graduated in Letters by the University of São Paulo, Masters and PhD in Communication and Semiotics: Literature, by the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Post-Doctorate in Literary Theory by the Federal University of Minas Gerais and Social History by the University of São Paulo. Researcher at Diversitas / USP and Professor of Diversitas / USP's Postgraduate Program in Humanities, Rights and Other Legalities. Professor of Literature and Drama, of the Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation and of Communication and Expression of Fatec. Was Vice-Coordinator of Diversitas / Usp and Coordinator of INOVA / FATEC. Coordinator of the Art, Culture and Subjectivity Studies Group. Researcher of Research Groups Jean Rouch and Redhart.
Director of the National Archive of Motion Pictures, the conservation center of the Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema. PhD in Film and Screen Media from the University of London (Birkbeck College), is an integrated researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History-NOVA FCSH and a lecturer at the Faculty of Human Sciences at the Portuguese Catholic University.