mdoc festival
filmes do homem

Official Jury
Jean-Loup Passek Award

jorge campos

Jorge Campos . Jury President

Jorge Campos has a doctorate in Communication Sciences from the University of Santiago de Compostela and is a film maker, journalist, cultural programmer and Assistant Professor at Instituto Politécnico do Porto. In charge of the scientific area of Visual Studies for the Artes da Imagem Department (DAI), he teaches courses in Cinema and is responsible for the specialization in Documentary Film within the Master's degree in Audiovisual Communication at Escola Superior de Música, Artes e Espectáculo (ESMAE). Programmer of Imagens do Real Imaginado (IRI), a cycle of Photography and Documentary Film at ESMAE. He was responsible for the field in Cinema, Audiovisual and Multimedia at Porto 2001 - European Capital of Culture.

catarina alves costa

Catarina Alves Costa

Holds a PHD in Anthropology from the University Lisbon and an MA in Visual Anthropology from the Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology, Manchester. Teaches Visual Culture and Anthropology in Nova University, Portugal. Producer and director at the company Laranja Azul. Collaborates with different post graduation studies, in Barcelona, Spain, São Paulo University, Brazil and Mexico City. She was as a jury in different ethnographic film festivals. Directed films since 1992, won various international prizes and published different works on documentary and ethnographic films. Some of her films are distributed by Documentary Educational Resourses.

jean-loïc porton

Jean-Loïc Portron

In 1981, took part in the creation of Ateliers Varan.
Between 1985 and 1988, within the Ateliers and with the support of the Foreign Office, he has taught and formed young south African filmmakers in Documentary Film at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
In 1998, with André Van In, he has oriented said filmmakers in the directing of a collective film: Chroniques sud-africaines (110 min., JBA production, ZDF, Arte).
After 1991, he collaborated mainly with the ARTE channel, for which he has directed a series of documentaries:

  • 1991-2000: Paysages (20 X 26 min. JBA Production, INA, Arte)
  • 2000-2010: Les Foyers de création (7 X 52 min. 13 Production, Arte)
  • 2005-2010: Les Arts du mythe (5 X 26 min. Program33, Arte)
Director of two feature-length documentaries:
  • 2011 : L’Energumène (77 min. JBA Production, Arte)
  • 2013 : Braddock America (103 min. Program33, avec Gabriella Kessler) Festival de Cannes 2013, Festivals de Thessalonique, Three-Rivers (Pittsburgh), La Rochelle, Cleveland, Alger, etc.
Since 2014, Jean-Loïc has been setting up a filmmaking workshop in Johannesburg (South Africa) produced by JBA Production e Arte. In 2015, the workshop will direct the documentary Born Free.

josé manuel sande

José Manuel Sande

José Manuel Sande is programmer, scriptwriter, historian and film critic. He is in charge of programing the activities of the Centro Galego de Artes da Imaxe (CGAI)-Filmoteca de Galicia and is also a member of the Spanish Film Historian Association (AEHC).
He writes in different specialized magazines like Caimán. Cuadernos de Cine, participates in radio programs (SER) and is one of the founders of the internet TV channel GalizaAnoCero and the magazine Luzes. He is also one of the authors behind the blog Acto de Primavera and appears in various publications and collective books.
The scriptwriter and associate producer of the film Arraianos (2012), from Eloy Enciso, has been guest professor for the Pompeu Fabra University.
He is working on two investigative projects about the Spanish postwar cinema. He’s also been jury for festivals in Las Palmas, Miradas –Doc, Gijón or Play-Doc (Tui) and Filminho.

tiago hespanha

Tiago Hespanha

Graduated in architecture in 2004 and holds a Master on Creative Documentary at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain, in 2012. Is partner of the production company TERRATREME. Lectures at the master DOCNOMADS - European Documentary Master Course. Member of LES ATELIERS VARAN, since 2014.
Directed the films: Industrial Revolution, co-directed with Frederico Lobo (2014 - World Première at Visions du Réel, Nyon, Switzerland), Guided Tour (2009 - Audience Award at Indielisboa), The Gift From Afar (2008 - part of the collection "So close, so far" distributed by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian), Ground Glass I, II (2007 - Award of International Microfilms Festival of Lisbon), Show Room (2007), Quinta da Curraleira (2006 Primeiro Olhar Award for best film in Encontros de Cinema de Viana do Castelo).