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Filmes do Homem

mdoc festival
salto a melgaço

Hop to Melgaço

During the sixties thousands of Portuguese people emigrated to France "on the hop", such was the name of the clandestine journey of those looking for a new destination.

We propose that you take, not a bumpy ride like the ones from that era, but a leap to Melgaço on the 6th and 7th of August, 2015 and share with us the program we have prepared as part of Filmes do Homem.


06 August . Saturday

Time Film / Activity Location
10h00 Visit to photographic exhibition COMMERCIO, João Gigante UM LUGAR CHAMADO DIÁSPORA, Andreia Alves de Oliveira PADRÃO, Bruna Prazeres Attended by the authors Casa da Cultura
10h30 Filmes candidatos ao Prémio Jean Loup Passek #MYESCAPE ELKE SASSE (Germany, 2016, 90’) Com a presença de Rama Jarmakani Casa da Cultura
12h30 Lunch -
14h30 Visit to photographic exhibition US, HERE AND THERE Attended by the authors Casa da Cultura
15h15 Visit to Memória e Fronteira Museum, with Albertino Gonçalves Com Albertino Gonçalves Espaço Memória e Fronteira
16h30 Filmes candidatos ao Prémio Jean Loup Passek HISTOIRES MATERNELLES ANOUK DOMINGUEZ-DEGEN (Switzerland, 2015, 27’6’’)

THE GUARDIANS BENJAMIN ROST (Germany, 2015, 26’) SHEERIN OF AL-WALAJA DAZ CHANDLER (Australia, Palestine, 2015, 27’) Attended by the director
Casa da Cultura
18h00 INGEN KO PÅ ISEN (NO COW ON THE ICE) ELOY DOMÍNGUEZ SERÉN (Sweden, Spain, 2015, 63') Casa da Cultura
21h30 MY ENEMY, MY BROTHER ANN SHIN (Canada, 2015, 17') BEHEMOTH ZHAO LIANG (China, France, 2015, 90') Casa da Cultura

07 August . Sunday

Time Film / Activity Location
10h00 Partida para Lamas de Mouro Melgaço
10h45 SPECIAL SCREENING (Lamas de Mouro) ... OS OLHOS DE ANDRÉ ANTÓNIO BORGES CORREIA (Portugal, 2015, 65’) Attended by the director Auditório de Lamas de Mouro
13h00 Lunch Castro Laboreiro
16h30 Filmes candidatos ao Prémio Jean Loup Passek WOMEN IN SINK IRIS ZAKI (UK / Israel, 2015, 36’) Attended by the director IRMÃOS PEDRO MAGANO (Portugal, 2015, 71’41’’) Attended by the director Casa da Cultura
Jean-Loup Passek AWARDS CERIMONY -
19h30 Dinner -
21h00 Visita ao Museu de Cinema Jean-Loup Passek e inauguração da exposição Museu de Cinema Jean Loup Passek
... VOLTA À TERRA JOÃO PEDRO PLÁCIDO (Portugal, 2014, 78’)
Torre de Menagem de Melgaço

Note - Travel between the different locations will be secured by bus.