Tolyatti adrift

Tolyatti adrift

Laura Sisteró | Spain, France, 2022, 70'

5 Aug

Casa da Cultura


Tolyatti, once the symbol of socialist pride, is today the Russian Detroit, a limbo city where there is no future for the youth. In this hopeless environment, Boyevaya Klassika arises, a movement that rescues iconic old Lada cars from the local factory to turn them into a means of rebelliousness and expression that explores the conflicts and dreams of the youth in one of the poorest cities in Russia. We follow Slava, Misha & Lera in the year that they have to face for the first time, their adulthood in a place where the future seems to be a dystopia.

  • Photography: Artur-Pol Camprubí
  • Sound: Gerard Tàrrega Amorós, Jordi Ribas
  • Editing: Alissa Doubrovitskaia, Ariadna Ribas, Laura Sisteró
  • Production: Bernat Manzano Vall, Valérianne Boué, Miguel Ángel Blanca Pachón
Laura Sisteró

Laura Sisteró

Laura Sistero was born in Barcelona in 1986. In 2008 she obtained a degree of Audiovisual Production at EMAV. In 2012 she obtained a bachelor’s degree in film at the ESCAC school in Barcelona, specializing in documentary direction. She currently combines her work as a photographer, advertising and television director, with more personal fiction and documentary film projects. “Tolyatti Adrift” is her first feature-length documentary.