
mdoc festival
Ana Carolina Trevisan

Ana Carolina Trevisan

Ana Carolina Trevisan is an FCT grant researcher in Communication and Political Science. Ph.D. student in Communication Sciences, affiliated with IFILNOVA (NOVA University of Lisbon), has a degree in Psychology from Mackenzie, a degree in Social Sciences, and a Master's in Sociology from the University of São Paulo. Co-founder and coordinator of the Núcleo de Produção e Pesquisa em Audiovisual (NUPEPA/ImaRgens); conducts research on argumentative strategies in politics through the use of audiovisual language in social networks.

Andrea Slováková

Andrea Slováková

Andrea Slováková is a documentary filmmaker, curator, and film theoretician. Since May 2020, she is a dean of Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU). She obtained her doctoral degrees in Film Science at Charles University’s Faculty of Arts and in Media Studies at the same University’s Faculty of Social Sciences, respectively. Studied documentary film at FAMU and strategic management at Cambridge Business School. Has been teaching the theory and history of documentary and experimental cinema at Czech tertiary schools. Was involved in the leadership of the Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival and still works as the event’s dramaturge. Publishes articles on cinema in various periodicals and used to be the editor-in-chief of the dok.revue magazine and the DO documentary film almanac. Used to helm the NAMU publishing house and co-founded Nová beseda. She has made a film portrait of mathematician Petr Vopěnka, a film on clouds, and a film essay on surveillance mechanisms.

Albertino Gonçalves

Albertino Gonçalves

Albertino has a master’s degree in Sociology from the University of Paris V-Sorbonne (1981) and a doctorate in Sociology from Universidade do Minho (1994), where he aggregated in the Sociology disciplinary group (2005). He has been teaching, since 1982, subjects in the field of social sciences methodology and cultural sociology, lifestyle and the arts. Coordinator of the post-graduation courses at Institute of Social Sciences, a member of the founding committee of Casa Museu of Monção and researcher at the Studies Center Communication and Society.

Alfonso Palazón Meseguer

Alfonso Palazón Meseguer

Winner of the Aurélio Paz dos Reis International Award 2016. He has worked on different projects as a screenwriter, producer and director, among which we highlight: Senegal. Apuntes de un viaje, 2007; Sunuy Aduna (Nossas Vidas), 2009; 20 anos dando vida aos dias, 2012. The feature-length documentary Al escucha el viento (2013) as producer, screenwriter and director was selected for competition at the International Festival de Valladolid 2013. Co-producer in the transmedia documentary project La Primavera Rosa (nominated Goya Awards 2018 in Mexico). His most recent project was the short documentary Juan Brito: Tamia (2019). The Webdoc project: Mirages on Highly Vulnerable Refugees is currently being completed.

Allan Herison Ferreira

Allan Herison Ferreira

Allan Herison Ferreira is a researcher with a grant from FCT in Communication, Audiovisual, and Data. Ph.D. student in Communication Sciences at ICNOVA (NOVA University of Lisbon), with a degree in Administration and Project Management from the Iberoamerican University, and a degree in Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo, the same institution where he obtained his master's degree in Sociology. Co-founder and coordinator of the Núcleo de Produção e Pesquisa em Audiovisual (NUPEPA/ImaRgens), a collective that, between 2016 and 2023, held 15 audiovisual workshops (10 regular and 5 special) counting with 560 participants responsible for the production of 136 short films, and 5 amateur short film festivals.

Álvaro Domingues

Álvaro Domingues

Álvaro António Gomes Domingues (Melgaço, 1959) is a geographer, PhD in Human Geography and associate professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto. Teaching activity: Teacher of the integrated master's and doctoral program in Architecture and PhD Course at FAUP; Member of the Scientific Council at FAUP; Professor of the Master’s degree "Project of the Urban Environment" (FAUP/FEUP); Teacher of PhD Course of Architecture of the University of Coimbra.; Professor of the Summer Courses at the Serralves Foundation; Visiting professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Visiting Professor at the University of Granada. Regularly collaborates with other universities, foundations, Público newspaper, cultural and professional associations, whilst developing a regular activity as a lecturer. Research fields: Urban Geography, Urban Planning, Landscape, Territory, Cultural Policy. His recent books include: Vida no Campo (ed. Dafne, Porto, 2012), A Rua da Estrada (ed.Dafne, Porto, 2010) and Políticas Urbanas II (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, 2012 with Nuno Portas and João Cabral).

Basil da Cunha

Basil da Cunha

Swiss director of Portuguese origin, Basil da Cunha was born in 1985. Alongside his studies in political science and sociology, he made several self-produced short films before co-founding Thera Production. In 2009, he began his film training at the Head University in Geneva. In his first year, Basil made the film “A Côté”, which was nominated for the Prix du Cinéma Suisse 2010 and awarded the Best National Film Award at Curtas Vila do Conde 2010. At the end of 2010, he filmed “Sunfish” in Lisbon. This film was presented at the Quinzaine des Réalisateurs (Cannes) in 2011. In 2012, he directed “Os Vivos Também Choram” and was selected, for the second consecutive year, at the Quinzaine des Réalisateurs at Cannes. Encouraged by the special mention of the Quinzaine des Réalisateurs jury and numerous international awards, he made his first feature film “After the Night”, with its world premiere at the Quinzaine des Réalisateurs, in 2013. The film was also shown at the São Paulo Film Festival and at the Locarno Festival. Basil gave a first workshop in the Film Department, Haute École D’art et de Design – Geneva (HEAD), before joining the team in 2013 on a permanent basis. In 2014, Basil da Cunha directed “Nuvem Negra”, an experimental film within the framework of the Biennale of the Moving Image (Geneva). His most recent feature film, “The End of the World”, had its world premiere in Locarno and was screened at other prestigious festivals, such as Busan, Milan and São Paulo. It was awarded at Les Arcs and Valladolid before winning Best Cinematography at the Prix du Cinéma Suisse in 2020.

Bernard Despomadères

Bernard Despomadères

Bernard has graduated in Law and Political Science. Amongst other roles, he was a Professor, Director of the Art and Culture Department of the Institut Français du Portugal; responsible for the organization of the French Film Festival in Porto, co-founder of the Alliance Française de Porto (Board member), collaborator with Jean-Loup Passek in the creation, and later in the management of the Melgaço Film Museum, Executive Producer of the film En une poignée de mains amies by Jean Rouch and Manoel de Oliveira.

Catarina Mourão

Catarina Mourão

Catarina Mourão studied music, law and film (MA at Bristol University and PhD at Edinburgh University, FCT scholarship in both). Founder of AporDoc (Association for the Portuguese Documentary). She teaches Cinema and Documentary since 1998 in various Masters Degrees. In 2000 she creates Laranja Azul with Catarina Alves Costa, an independent film production company. It is in this context that she directs her films which have always been awarded and shown in international festivals. Her main areas of research are documentary, memory, dream, archive and autobiography. Her film “A Toca do Lobo” was released theatrically all over Portugal and premiered at The Rotterdam International Film Festival.

Elsa Lechner

Elsa Lechner

Elsa holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (2003) and is an Associate Researcher at the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra. Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Rutgers and Brown Universities, USA (2014/15) with a biographical research project among the Portuguese community in New Jersey. Co-coordinator of the Humanities, Migration, and Peace Studies Group at CES and member of the CC of CES Permanent Committee (2010-2014), Assistant Researcher at CES (2009-2014), Principal Researcher at CES (2014-2019). FCT postdoctoral Fellow at ICS of the University of Lisbon and ISCTE (2003-2009). Her research focuses on identity processes in migrant contexts, intercultural relations, biographical research, the suffering and resilience of migrants, Portuguese emigration and immigration to Portugal, and the actions of migrant’s inclusion and participation. Coordinator of a Gulbenkian project on stories, memories and innovation in Portuguese immigration, in conjunction with the Museu da Pessoa (São Paulo), the Department of Portuguese Studies at the University of Paris X-Nanterre, the University of Berkeley, and the University of Rutgers-Newark. Author of several national and international papers and books on biographical research for the study of migrations. Currently, Elsa is developing articulation activities between biographical research, health, arts and culture.

Fabienne Wateau

Fabienne Wateau

Fabienne Wateau is a Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Paris Nanterre and Director of Research at the CNRS (Centro Nacional de Investigación Française). She dedicated her doctoral thesis to the municipality of Melgaço (Alto Minho, Portugal), and in particular to the ways of sharing irrigation water and conflicts between beneficiaries – from which her book Conflicts and water for irrigation was published. Essay on social organization in the Melgaço valley (Ed. Dom Quixote, 2000). She also made several film documentaries, including a series of three short films about instruments for measuring water, in collaboration with the National Museum of Ethnology in Lisbon. The first was filmed in the parish of Penso (2002 – La pierre de partage de l’eau, 10’); the second in the parish of Chaviães (2006 – La canne à mesurer l’eau, 28’); and a third, for comparative purposes, on the other side of the river Minho in Galicia, in Arbo (2004 – Les conques d’Arbo, 7’). She then moved on to other research and film documentaries: in Alentejo, the return of the Alqueva Dam and the displacement of the village of Luz (Querem faz um mar, ICS, 2016); and nowadays in Estarreja, Beira Litoral, about the contamination by the chemical complex of the waters and surrounding lands.

Farnaz Jourabchian

Farnaz Jourabchian

Farnaz Jurabchian works as an independent filmmaker and writer based between Tehran and Toronto. She received her BFA in cinema from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. Most of her films revolve around the notion of homeland and characters that each represent a part of society. Her debut mid length documentary "Overruled" was premiered at Hot Docs 2016 and won several international prizes. "Silent House", an autobiographical film, had its world premiere at IDFA 2022. With her brother Mohammadreza Jurabchian, she started an independent film company, "F&M Productions" where they work as co-directors and producers.

Filipe Barreiro

Filipe Barreiro

Born in 1998, in Ponte de Lima. He began his academic career in 2017 at the Escola Superior de Artes e Design (ESAD.CR), in Caldas da Rainha, where he graduated in Sound and Image, having followed the Cinevideo branch. Since he started his journey in the audiovisual field, he has mostly worked on a freelance basis, as Director and Director of Photography for some projects, from short fiction films to video clips. He worked in the production of audiovisual content at Space Ensemble, where he developed, alongside Nuno Alves, films such as "Trilogia dos Vales" and "Minho, Coura, Lima".

Graça Castanheira

Graça Castanheira

Graça Castanheira has a degree in Directing from the Lisbon Theater and Film School, she attended a PhD in Arts (Performing Arts and Moving Image) at the University of Lisbon and the IPL - Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon. In 2008 she created the production and post-production company Pop Filmes. Currently, she teaches at Lisbon Theater and Film School under the title of Specialist in the Field of Directing, curricular units of Screenwriting, Directing, Documentary Cinema and Writing for Television. She is a Master's professor at the same school where she teaches Dramaturgy and Directing and Project Direction. She is a founding partner of the climate justice documentary platform SCENARIO. She is one of the founding partners of Apordoc and was a member of the board between 2007 and 2010. A film and television director with a regular activity since 1989, she has had a solid career, distinguished with several awards. Her documentaries are dedicated to topics ranging from political upheavals in the Balkans, to portraits of Portuguese cultural figures, to the relationship between biology and behaviour. She directed series for television such as O Tempo e o Modo in which she interviewed, among others, Lula da Silva, Lucrecia Martel, Eduardo Galeano or Laurie Anderson, with the future as its thematic. The series 2084 – Imagine which she also made is a set of live conversations, at the Centro Cultural de Belém, about the impact of technologies on everyday life.

Gregório Albuquerque

Gregório Albuquerque

Gregório Albuquerque is a Professor/Researcher at the Nucleus of Educational Technologies in Health and professor of audiovisual at the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health (EPSJV/FIOCRUZ). PhD in Public Policies and Human Education from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) with the research "Thinking through the image: Audiovisual Education from the cultural, political and pedagogical perspective". Coordinator of the Joaquim Venâncio Student Audiovisual Exhibition, the Audiovisual and Education Seminar, and of the Mandala Pedagogical Camps project. He produced the documentary Ilva! in 2021.

Iman Behrouzi

Iman Behrouzi

Born in 1984 in Shiraz, Iran, he studied cinema and directing at the University of Tehran in Iran. He received his PhD in Media and Cultural Studies from the University of Cologne in Germany in 2023. He has directed several documentaries and short fiction films. One of his previous documentaries, “A Movie for You”, was premiered at the Visions du Réel, and was afterwards shown at the Zurich Film Festival in 2015. “Amour du Réel”, another of his documentaries, was officially selected to screen at the Oscar qualifying and BAFTA recognized film festivals Flickers' Rhode Island Film Festival and Aesthetica Short Film Festival in 2018. His most recent work “The Fabric” was premiered at the DMZ Documentary Film Festival in 2021. “Three Sisters” was premiered at the Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival in 2022. Iman is an alumnus of Berlinale Talents 2020.

jorge campos

Jorge Campos

PhD in Communication Sciences from the University of Santiago de Compostela, expert in Documentary Film, professor of Higher Education, journalist, filmmaker and cultural programmer. Throughout the years, he has taught courses in Cinema and Communication Sciences in several higher education establishments, namely the University of Porto, Catholic University and Escola Superior de Música, Artes e Espetáculo (ESMAE) of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. As a journalist he worked in the Press, Radio and Television, namely for RTP, where he spent 25 years. He made several documentaries, among others, about General Humberto Delgado, Mário Cláudio, Martins Sarmento, Miguel Torga, Eugénio de Andrade, Nadir Afonso, Teixeira Gomes and Fernando Lanhas. He also wrote numerous articles and made hundreds of journalistic pieces covering a wide variety of stories. Awarded and distinguished several times in different fields, namely with the Gazeta de Televisão of the Clube de Jornalistas and the Special Prize of the University of Santiago de Compostela. Coordinator of the blog Narrativas do Real. He regularly integrates national and international film festival juries. Programmer responsible for the Cinema, Audiovisual and Multimedia area of Porto 2001 – European Capital of Culture, as well as the cycle of Photography and Documentary Cinema Images of Imagined Real from the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, he was an independent MP elected by the Left Bloc and vice-president of the Culture, Media and Youth Commission of Parliament between 2015 and 2018. He is currently a professor at the University of Maia.

josé da silva ribeiro

José da Silva Ribeiro

Graduated in Philosophy from the University of Porto (1976), PhD in Cine Vídeo from the Escola Superior Artística do Porto (1989), master’s degree in Multimedia Educational Communication from the Open University of Portugal (1993) and doctorate in Social Sciences - Anthropology from the University Open of Portugal (1998). Former professor at the Open University of Portugal. He has vast experience in the field of Anthropology, with an emphasis on Visual Anthropology, working mainly on the following themes: visual anthropology, digital anthropology, cinema, research methods in anthropology, interculturality and Afro-Atlantic culture. Fieldwork undertaken in Portugal, Cape Verde, Brazil, Argentina and Cuba. He coordinated the International Network of Scientific Cooperation Images of Culture / Image Culture. Visiting professor at Mackenzie University (Education, Art and History of Culture), UECE, UCDJB, University of Murcia - Spain (ERASMUS) and University of Savoie - France, University of S. Paulo. Researcher at GI - Media and cultural mediations - CEMRI: Open University. Former Visiting professor at UFG - Faculty of Visual Arts 2016-2019. Currently preparing a work project - Teaching, Research and Extension at the Federal University of Maranhão. José coordinates the Group of Studies in Cinema and Digital Narratives of AO NORTE - Association of Animation and Audiovisual Production.

Kjetil Ursin Almås

Kjetil Ursin Almås

Cineasta norueguês, atual vice-presidente da Tromsø Film Society. Ele estudou literatura e cinema e tem mestrado em filosofia pela Universidade Norueguesa de Ciência e Tecnologia. Trabalha como tradutor e é curador e editor de catálogo do Tromsø International Film Festival. Os seus principais interesses, especialmente no campo de documentários, são as questões sociais e políticas a nível local e global.

luís mendonça

Luís Mendonça

Luis holds a PhD in Communication Sciences from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Nova University of Lisbon (NOVA FCSH) and has a master's degree in the same field from the same faculty, on the specialty of Cinema and Television. He teaches cinema and photography courses at NOVA FCSH and at the Portuguese Institute of Photography. He has written books, articles and organized or participated in numerous symposia on cinema, photography and the philosophy of the image. He organized various film cycles, namely as a programmer at the Cinemateca Portuguesa – Museum of Cinema. Luis also directed several videos and audiovisual essays.

Mafalda Salgueiro

Mafalda Salgueiro

Was born in Alentejo, and currently resides in Porto. Her work encompasses video, animation, and drawing in order to talk about community, identity, and tradition in an approach that is as creative as it is ethnographic. She directed Comezainas (2022), a documentary animation short film exhibited internationally and awarded at Ymotion as Best Animation, and at MDOC as Best Film Poster. Some of her work has been published in The New York Times and Observador Lifestyle.

Manoela Afonso Rodrigues

Manoela Afonso Rodrigues

Manoela dos Anjos Afonso Rodrigues: PhD in Arts from Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts London. Professor of the Graduate Program in Art and Visual Culture and of the Bachelor of Visual Arts undergraduate course at the Faculty of Visual Arts at the Federal University of Goiás (FAV/UFG). She coordinates and develops investigations in the line of research in Artistic Poetics and Creative Processes, with an emphasis on Autobiographical Research in Art. She is the founding leader of the research group Nucleus of Autobiographical Artistic Practices – NuPAA / UFG / CNPq. She was President of the National Association of Researchers in Visual Arts (ANPAP) in the biennium 2019/2020, of which she has been an affiliated member of the Artistic Poetic Committee since 2010. She has been a member of the Brazilian Association of Oral History (ABHO) since 2018. Her artistic, pedagogical and investigative practices are guided by the poetics of (self)location that articulate notions of space, place, territory, displacement and autobiogeography.

Manuela Penafria

Manuela Penafria

Professor in the 1st and 2nd Cycles in Cinema courses, at UBI-University of Beira Interior. Member of the editorial board of journals in Portugal and Brazil, as well as member of the scientific committee in several events. Member of the Advisory Board of the AIM-Association of Moving Image Investigators, where she is a coordinating member of the Working Group “Filmmakers’ Theory”. Co-editor of DOC On-line Magazine ( and researcher at Labcom-Comunicação e Artes.

Manuel Bernardo Cabral

Manuel Bernardo Cabral

Professor, argumentista, realizador e produtor, é licenciado em História e Ciências Sociais pela Universidade dos Açores, diplomado em Estudos Cinematográficos pela Ryerson University em Toronto, mestrado em Escrita para Cinema e Televisão pela Universidade Autónoma de Barcelona e Doutorado em Arte dos Media pela Universidade Lusófona do Porto. Foi Coordenador do Audiovisual na Direção Regional da Cultura dos Açores, membro do Conselho Regional de Cultura dos Açores, professor e coordenador de cursos profissionais de Produção Audiovisual e Multimédia e formador de videografia, sendo atualmente professor de História no ensino secundário. A sua atividade inclui colaborações na imprensa açoriana como colunista em cinema, assim como a participação em conferências e publicação de artigos científicos nessa temática. Foi membro de júris do Festival Internacional de Cinema de Avanca, do Prémio Ayres d’Aguiar, e dos concursos escolares de audiovisual Dia da Europa, Cidadania Europeia e Açores, Mar de Culturas. É atualmente vice- presidente do Clube de Cinema da Ribeira Grande, diretor do Festival de Cinema Curta Açores, de que foi cofundador, e um dos vice-presidentes da FPCC – Federação Portuguesa de Cineclubes. Enquanto realizador, destacam-se na sua filmografia, À Beira da Europa (Doc. – Nomeação Prémios Sophia 2015), 50 Pesos Argentinos (curta - Ficção – 8 prémios e 25 seleções oficiais, nacionais e internacionais), entre muitos outros.

Maria Luna-Rassa

Maria Luna-Rassa

Artistic director and programmer and curator at MIDBO (International Documentary Film Festival of Bogotá) in Colombia, member of ALADOS and adjunct Professor in the Department of Audiovisual Media at TecnoCampus ESUPT, Universitat Pompeu Fabra). Researcher of the group Narratives of Resistance, co-coordinator of the HoMER Network (History of moviegoing exhibition and reception). Coeditor with Pablo Mora and Daniela Samper of the book Territorio y memoria sin fronteras, nuevas estrategias para pensar lo real (2021) and author of the chapter Sur on Demand in the collective book Cines latinoamericanos, en busca del público perdido (2020), edited by Ana Rosas Mantecón and Leandro González awarded best essay in 2020 by Fundación de Cine Latinoamericano in La Habana.

Marta Madureira

Marta Madureira

Is an illustrator and Adjunct Professor at the Escola Superior de Design of IPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave, teaching in the fields of image, where she directs the Master in Illustration and Animation. She has a degree in Graphic Design and a Master in Image Design from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto. She has the Title of Specialist in audiovisuals and media production – specialization in illustration (area 213). She is a celebrated author with several relevant awards and distinctions in the field of illustration and animation. Her research interests focus on the image, static or moving, within themes such as: narrative and illustration; illustration as a communication tool; picture books; new illustration supports; transition from illustration to animated image; etc. She is a collaborating member of ID+-The Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture, at Grupo CAOS. Marta belongs to the organization committee of CONFIA-International Conference on Illustration and Animation.

maythem ridha

Maythem Ridha

Maythem spent his formative years in Iraq before fleeing with his family into exile. He has many years’ experience creating award-winning film and photography projects. His films have been selected for major international film festivals, broadcasted, distributed in cinemas and won many accolades and prizes. He also made films in English & Arabic for BBC World Service and ART Europe. Maythem wrote IRAQI TALES, a body of stories for film, at the University of Oxford and then at the National Film & Television School (UK). From this DRIFTING ON THE WIND was chosen by over 20 international film festivals, winning the Director’s Award at Hearts & Minds. Following this, AL-BAGHDADI won the Gold Prize for Best Foreign Language Film at the International Filmmaker Festival. ALI AND HIS MIRACLE SHEEP, his latest installment from IRAQI TALES had its world premiere and won the prestigious Best Film Award at Sheffield Doc Fest UK Competition 2021 and has since been selected by over 40 major international festivals, winning over 20 awards and distinctions. Maythem’s photographic work has been published and exhibited in several one-man shows and joint exhibitions of award-winning projects such as AL-INTITHAR, INTERFACE and the more recent MY CAMERA IN EXILE collections. Winner of Al Hambra Award for Excellence in the Arts, Maythem works with a diverse range of international projects as well as leading workshops and masterclasses in filmmaking and photography. After the Iraqi Cultural Centre (UK) held an exhibition of his work in London, he began the development of his successfully published photo book, BEYOND MOMENTS : MOROCCO. Maythem is currently working on several new film and photography projects including 40 YEARS OF SILENCE and TEAR MAKER which is set against the backdrop of the Iraqi desert.

Nuno Alves

Nuno Alves

Cultural programmer since 1993, founder of several cultural projects such as Festival de Paredes de Coura, Space Festival, Space Ensemble, Canal180, 180 Creative Camp, Escola do Rock Paredes de Coura, Vira Fest and Ciclo de Pollinação Musical de Paredes de Coura . Programming director of Canal180, a cable television channel dedicated to Culture, Arts and Creativity between 2010 and 2016. Artistic and programming director of numerous events, such as 180 Creative Camp, Pollination Cycle of Paredes de Coura, as well as several shows from the Space Ensemble such as "Filmes da Terra Do Santa Claus", "Trilogy of the Valleys", "Minho Coura Lima", "Pirates and Mermaids, Oysters and Whales", among many others. He was programming director and producer for television series such as "180 ID", "180 Director ID", "Analógico Humano Digital", "I Like", etc., as well as for films, including "Driving Without License" (film produced in an "open source" process by João Diogo Marques) and "Abrantes" (made by Miguel Trudu).

Nuno Escudeiro

Nuno Escudeiro

Nuno Escudeiro (1986, Tomar, Portugal) studied Media Studies in the University of Aveiro and Documentary Film Directing in Zelig, School for Documentary in Bolzano, Italy. His diploma film Moon Europa (2016) was screened in dok.fest Munich 2017 and indie Lisboa 2017. His feature documentary The Valley, a french-italian co-production by Miramonte Films and Point-du-jour has been awarded the Emerging International filmmaker award upon its premiere at Hotdocs Toronto and was afterwards screened at BFI London Film Festival, among several other festivals.

Paula Tavares

Paula Tavares

Paula Tavares is Vice President of IPCA, Director of the Higher School of Design at the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave. Director of the Master’s degree in Illustration and Animation at IPCA. She holds a PhD in Fine Arts from the University of Vigo, graduated in Design from ESAP and in Fine Arts-Painting from FBAUP, was an ERAMUS scholarship holder in Barcelona between 1997 and 1998. She taught at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto between 1999 and 2004 as well as at the Artistic School of Porto. From 2004 to 2012 she collaborated with the same school at their branch in Guimarães. She participates in seminars, workshops and conferences periodically, presenting research work in the field of Design and Audiovisuals. She organizes and is responsible for the IPCA International Conference on Illustration and Animation ( As an artist, she has exhibited and participated in events since the nineties, having being represented in various publications related to her artistic career, as well as in several collections of contemporary art.

Paulo Cunha

Paulo Cunha

Paulo Cunha is a programmer of the Guimarães Film Club, the international film festival Curtas Vila do Conde and the Batalha Centro de Cinema. He has been a jury member at several film festivals (IndieLisboa, Caminhos do Cinema Português, CineEco, Filminho) and in artistic and scientific scholarship competitions (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, FilmaPorto or Foundation for Science and Technology). Professor of cinema at the University of Beira Interior, where he directs the Masters Degree in Cinema, he is also Vice-President of the Department of Arts and an integrated member of the Group of Arts of LabCom – Comunicação e Artes. PhD in Contemporary Studies from the University of Coimbra, he is also coordinator of the Working Group on Post-Colonial Cinemas and Peripherals of AIM – Association of Researchers of the Moving Image. His most recent publications are A New History of New Portuguese Cinema (2018, Outro Modo/Le Monde Diplomatique) and Reframing Portuguese Cinema in the 21st Century (2020, Curtas Metragens CRL; co-edited with Daniel Ribas).

Ricardo Leite

Ricardo Leite

Ricardo Leite (1978) is a screenwriter and director, in addition to being one of the leading specialists in cinematographic film laboratory processes in Portugal. He studied cine-video and theater at Escola Superior Artística do Porto (2002). Since 2003, Ricardo Leite has coordinated dozens of cinema workshops all over the world: Cape Verde, Brazil, Canada, the United States and many European countries. His focus on biodegradable photographic chemistry processes stands out, which led him to write several articles. He was one of the founding partners of Átomo47, the only cinema laboratory (photosensitive) operating in Portugal. He has dedicated himself to the development and writing of several cinematographic projects, - documentary and experimental -, which were selected and developed in several Film Forums, among them, the Berlinale Talent Campus at the Berlin Film Festival (2008) and the Arché program at the Festival Porto Post Doc and Doc Lisboa (2017). LUCEFECE is his first feature film.

Sandra Ruesga

Sandra Ruesga

Sandra Ruesga graduated in Political Science in Toulouse, in Journalism in Madrid and did a post-graduate degree in documentary screenwriting (Complutense University). She works in film, television and advertising. In 2004 she co-directed the feature documentary “200 KM”. She has directed several short documentaries, including “Haciendo Memoria”, “Lejos devaneios em um trem”, “The initiation” and “O que não foi”, worked as a producer of film festivals, such as Almeria en Corto, Animadrid, Festival 4+1- Fundación Mapfre and Documentamadrid (over 10 editions), of which she was programming and production coordinator in 3 editions. She has been part of the Documentamadrid festival selection committee for 10 editions and is a programmer for Another Way Film Festival and the DOCMA programmed cycle at Cineteca de Madrid. She is a founding partner of Cines Zoco Majadahonda, a multiplex cinema with independent film programming. Sandra chairs since December 2022 the National Association of Documentaries DOCMA.

Simone Saibene

Simone Saibene

Was born in Cirimido (Como, Italy) in 1977. He's been living in Ourense (Spain) since 2009, where he founded the production and distribution company Noveolas. Some titles in his filmography include '9 ondas' (2013), 'Pelerinaxes' (2016) or 'Escribir o imposible' (2021), about the writer Juan Tallón, films shown at international festivals and cinema theatres. As a professor and film critic, he collaborated with various media and institutions such as the Instituto Cervantes in Milan, the Fundación San Fedele in Milan, the ESAP (Porto), the CGAI, the University of Vigo, the newspaper La Región, or Onda Cero Ourense. Since 2019, he has produced and conducted the program 'Cinephilia' on Telemiño which received the Mestre Mateo Award for 'Best TV Program' in 2021 and the CREA Award for 'Best TV Direction' in 2022.

Sreemoyee Singh

Sreemoyee Singh

Sreemoyee Singh is a filmmaker from Kolkata, India. She completed her PhD on “The Exiled Filmmaker in Post-Revolution Iran” from Jadavpur University, which saw her travel, inspired by masters of Iranian cinema. This journey led to the filming of her first feature length documentary And, Towards Happy Alleys (Be Kucheye Khoshbakht), learning Persian from Dehkhoda Lexicon Institute and Center for Persian Studies in Tehran. Her in-depth research about the cinema of Iran gave her unique access to Iranian filmmakers, artists, activists, and women who are otherwise wary of interaction with foreign media. And, Towards Happy Alleys launched at the Berlinale International Film Festival (Panorama section) and has gone to screen at over a dozen film festivals, winning first prize at BAFICI in Argentina. Sreemoyee has also worked as Assistant Professor of Film Studies at St. Joseph’s University, Bangalore and a Guest Lecturer at New York University, Abu Dhabi (NYUAD).

Tal Gratz

Tal Gratz

Tal Gratz is Go2Films' festival coordinator, working closely with directors to situate their films in their world-historical context. Beyond his job, he is a curator and film programmer in Tel Aviv, hosting films capturing the struggles shaping contemporary history. With an eye for innovative approaches, his program hosts world-class films as well as emerging directors.

Tommaso Santambrogio

Tommaso Santambrogio

Tommaso Santambrogio is an Italian filmmaker and writer (1992). He lived and studied in Milan, Paris, Roma and La Havana and he worked with several international acclaimed directors, like Werner Herzog and Lav Diaz. His last short movies (The Last Scene and The Oceans Are the Real Continents) were both presented at the Mostra Internazionale del Cinema di Venezia and in many other important Festival all over the world. L’Ultimo Spegne la Luce is his last short work (2021). He is currently developing his first feature film with Rosamont and Rosso.

Vitor Covelo

Vitor Covelo

Born in Melgaço (1989) where he grew up between the parishes of Cristóval and Vila. A psychiatrist, he began his studies in medicine in Porto, where he currently resides and works, but on his pathway he traversed through Bragança, Évora, Faro, Príncipe Island and Paris. His fascination with cinema, human behavior and stories of oral tradition has led him to the film course “A Nebulosa” (Rua Escura), in which he made his first short film, “Tanganhom”, presented to the public at Trindade cinema, Porto.

Vítor Hugo Costa

Vítor Hugo Costa

Portuguese film producer and director at Metafilmes; coordinator of the educational project "O Cinema Somos Nós", by Associação Cultural Periferias, in Marvão; member of the Filmgeographies platform; part of the selection and programming committee of the Film Festival of the American Association of Geographers and the selection and programming committee of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers). With an impressive curriculum, Vítor Hugo Costa has produced and directed documentaries that have been shown at international film festivals, with commercial exhibition in theaters, national and international broadcast and with VOD distribution on national platforms. He also has international experience as a trainer in the production of short films using smartphones in workshops at Queen Mary University of London, Roehampton University, the American Association of Geographers and also in educational projects with young people in Cairo.

Waldemar Wilk

Waldemar Wilk

Nasceu em Malawa, Polónia, em 1965. Formou-se em Estudos Culturais pela Universidade de Wroclaw em 1989. A sua vida profissional está ligada ao cinema desde 1984. Trabalhou como programador de cinema, distribuidor de filmes e jornalista – por vezes como argumentista e editor da Aurum Film (Corpus Christi; 2019). Membro da Federação Polaca de Cineclubes desde 1985. Foi membro do júri da FICC (International Federation of Film Clubs) em Leipzig e Oberhausen. A partir de 1988 colabora com o Festival de Cinema Lagow como curador de retrospectivas e programador. Trabalhou igualmente para o Comedy Film Festival em Lubomierz, Zoom Festival em Jelenia Gora, Barejada – Festival de Filmes e Eventos de Comédia em Jelenia Gora e muitos outros festivais de cinema e eventos na Polónia. Em 2022 foi memnro do juri de curtas- metragens no Festival Internacional de Cinema de Chicago. Como co-autor e editor, publicou livros sobre cineastas polacos: Tadeusz Konwicki, Jerzy Skolimowski, Stanislaw Bareja.

waldir xavier

Waldir Xavier

Waldir Xavier studied Journalism, Philosophy and Cinema. Living in France for over 15 years, he graduated as an Image Editor and specialized in Sound Design, having worked with directors such as Youssef Chahine, João Botelho, Bertrand Tavernier and Raoul Peck. Among his best known works are "Central do Brasil" by Walter Salles, Golden Bear at the Berlin Festival in 1998, "Quarto de Vanda" by Pedro Costa, "De Longe te Observo" by Lorenzo Vigas, Golden Lion of the Venice Film Festival in 2015 and “The Invisible Life of Eurídice Gusmão”, by Karim Aïnouz, Un Certain Regard award at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival.

Xan Xosé Seijo

Xan Xosé Seijo

Xan Xosé Neira Seijo holds a PhD in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Santiago de Compostela; degree in Agricultural Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). Professor in the Department of Agroforestry Engineering at the Escola Superior Politécnica de Engenharia on the campus of Lugo (USC). His research activity focuses on water resources management and water governance in irrigated areas. Some additional activities in researching and, above all, the dissemination ones, fall within the axis of Agroecology, where he has been developing activities in associations in the field since the beginning of his teaching career.

Zsófia Paczolay

Zsófia Paczolay

Zsófia Paczolay is a freelance art worker based in Europe with a background in architecture and filmmaking. She is working on documentary films in different corners of the world – now mainly with a small Hungarian collective – with the intention of showing them in cinemas, community houses, and other, inappropriate locations. As a space/idea/film-maker she’s collaborating with the Moha performance group in diverse projects which are engaging with different groups of people, neighbourhoods on the peripheries and public space mainly in the Netherlands, and in Germany. She is interested in boundaries, how to connect to people and reduce harm.