Frontal Shot is a PHOTOGRAPHY RESIDENCY happening in Melgaço, between July 28 and August 6, 2023, alongside MDOC - Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival, organized by the Melgaço Municipality and the AO NORTE association.
Its main purposes are:
Plano Frontal’s main targets are senior students on their final year attending higher education courses in Photography, or that have recently completed their education.It addresses all those people willing to live through the experience of directing a photography project and partici-pating, with the support of a professional team and through discussion and image viewing, in the projects made by other photographers.
Pedro Sena Nunes will be the photographer / tutor, with ex-tensive professional and pedagogical experience, to guide the directing of documentaries, coordinate the work planning and provide a systematic reflection on the daily work. He will be supported by a technical and operational team.
Each photographer will develop an individual project based on the themes proposed by the coordination. Each project has to be researched and produced during the residency. The photographic exhibitions will be inaugurated in Melgaço, in spaces predetermined by the organization, in the edition of the following year.
It is intended to know the research and pre-production process adopted by each participant. The type of approach taken to local people and experts who can support project information should be reflected. It is important to know what were the intentions that exist in the selection of final and intermediate interlocutors.
The schedule will be established by the tutor, along with the production, depending on the pace of work.
The participants in Plano Frontal_Photography Residency will be selected through application analysis. Each application must be made on an individual basis. Participants can support and collaborate on the projects of the others selected photographers.
Each selected candidate will be responsible for all photographic equipment used.
The organization committee will guarantee free room and board, from July 28 until August 6, to the twelve selected candidates and will provide logistic support for the teams to travel to shooting locations. Each selected candidate will have to guarantee his own traveling, to and from Melgaço.
From July 28 to August 6 2023
The organization committee will be responsible for the developing/printing of all selected photographs.
The works will become part of the collection of espaço Memória e Fronteira. The organization committee of MDOC - Melgaço International Documentary Film Festival, as mentor and producer, will reserve the right to use this material, wherein it holds the respective rights.
The publishing of results on line is the responsibility of the organization.
General coordination – Carlos Eduardo Viana
Production Director – Rui Ramos
Tutor – Pedro Sena Nunes
Tutor Assistent – João Gigante
Executive Producer –
Technical Support – Miguel Arieira, Daniel Deira