
Mobile Phone Film Workshop


Escola Secundária de Melgaço

Mobile Phone Film

The workshop will seek to raise awareness, challenge and stimulate, creatively, technically and aesthetically, all participants to the universe of documentary creation, through the execution of filmic exercises, their visualization, and their joint discussion.

Using the mobile phone as an instrument for recording image and sound, the aim is to demystify the use of everyday devices in audiovisual production and simultaneously stimulate the trainees' creativity, providing them with skills on how to be able to tell their stories and take full advantage of a piece of equipment they usually carry in their pocket.

General guidelines of the program

  • Introduction to cinema as an affirmation enhancer
  • Development of a proposed theme
  • Correct handling of the equipment
  • Realization of practical exercises
  • Production and directing of documentary short film (number of works to be defined)


  • To promote film practice and culture
  • To sensitize trainees of the use of video as a creative tool
  • To provide experiences that promote familiarization with documentary film in particular
  • To support the meeting and sharing of ideas and experiences among participants


  • Duration: 3 days (August 1 to 3)
  • Schedule: 10:00 to 12h and 14:00 to 16:00


  • youngsters aged 12 years-old and over

Student requirements

  • pen and paper; 1 smartphone per pupil


  • Casa da Cultura de Melgaço


Vítor Hugo Costa

Portuguese film producer and director at Metafilmes; coordinator of the educational project ''O Cinema Somos Nós'', by Associação Cultural Periferias, in Marvão; member of the Filmgeographies platform; part of the selection and programming committee of the Film Festival of the American Association of Geographers and the selection and programming committee of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers). With an impressive curriculum, Vítor Hugo Costa has produced and directed documentaries that have been shown at international film festivals, with commercial exhibition in theaters, national and international broadcast and with VOD distribution on national platforms. He also has international experience as a trainer in the production of short films using smartphones in workshops at Queen Mary University of London, Roehampton University, the American Association of Geographers and also in educational projects with young people in Cairo.