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Optical Toys and Pre-cinema

Optical toys emerged in the nineteenth century inducing, in the viewer, the illusion that still images are in motion. These gadgets became very popular at the time, fascinating the crowds that lined up to watch the little shows. This particular period, filled with pure magic for many people, was fundamental in the appearance of the cinematographer, thus being known as the pre-cinema era. This workshop proposes the exploration and construction of some of the most well-known optical toys, such as the Thaumatrope, Folioscope flipbook, Zoetrope and the Phenakistoscope.


  • To arouse curiosity about animation cinema
  • To understand the illusory character present in image animation
  • To recognize the importance of optical toys in the emergence of cinema
  • To discover the basic principles of image animation and animation cinema


  • Teachers and other parts with a keen interest.


  • 1 of August
  • Schedule - 09:30h to 12:30h and 14:00h to 18:00h.


Paulo Oliveira Fernandes (1979, Portugal)

Paulo is an elementary and secondary school teacher. He developed an interest in animated film whilst in his youth and began attending the CINANIMA Festival at the beginning of this millennium. He frequented the course of Animated Cartoon in the technique of free drawing by Casa da Animação tutored by Jorge Ribeiro and Daniela Duarte. He regularly organizes animated film workshops for teachers, educators and those interested in animation. In the last decade he has provided guidance in the making of dozens of animated films in various educational contexts, with some of them being selected and awarded at specialty festivals. Paulo is a member of the organizing committee of CINANIMA - Espinho International Animation Film Festival and its Educational Service.

Paulo Oliveira Fernandes