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filmes do homem
filmes do homem

Kino Meeting

A meeting on film literacy

Cinema is an important tool that opens the door for us to notice our world and to better understand the world of others, real and imagined. As Film Institutions with an interest in image education we understand that it is our mission to prepare youngsters to critically watch a film, to think about the images, to learn from them and use them proficiently.

The 2nd Kino Meeting: International meeting on film literacy brings together for the second consecutive year in the international documentary festival of Melgaço - Filmes do Homem - educational institutions of cinema, from Portugal and other European countries, during the 2nd and 3rd of August . This meeting intends to be an area for sharing experiences and reflection on the importance of visual literacy of moving images. It is also intended to encourage debate, exchange ideas and think of news ways of working around the themes of the festival - identity, border and memory - within the scope of the educational services of participating institutions.

The meeting will have the active participation of educational services from the following institutions: Deutsche Kinemathek (Germany), Filmoteca de Catalunya (Spain), AO NORTE (Portugal), Mucho Más que Cine (Spain), Kinodvor (Slovenia), Cinanima , Cineclube de Faro (Portugal), Cineclube de Viseu (Portugal) and Casa Museu de Vilar (Portugal).

During the second day of the meeting (August 3) an animation film workshop will be held with the director and animator Abi Feijó, addressed to entities and professionals of educational services and teachers with a keen interest in promoting cinema activities with their students.

Participation is free subject to prior registration.


02 Agosto . Thursday

Hour Activity Location
10h00 Introductions and opening remarks Solar do Alvarinho
Educational Services: two countries, two practices
10h15 Carmen Buro - Mucho Más que Cine (Spain) Solar do Alvarinho
10h45 Petra Slatinšek - Kinodvor (Slovenia) Solar do Alvarinho
11h30 Intermission -
11h30 Forum: “How to transform memory into educational projects?” Participants: Deutsche Kinemathek, Filmoteca de Catalunya , AO NORTE, Mucho Más que Cine, Kinodvor, Cinanima, Cineclube de Faro, Cineclube de Viseu, Casa Museu de Vilar. Solar do Alvarinho
12h30 Lunch -
Identity and memory – film as a literacy tool
14h30 Noemí Sas Castilleja - Filmoteca de Catalunya (Spain) Solar do Alvarinho
15h00 Rui Esperança - AO NORTE (Portugal) Solar do Alvarinho
15h30 Jurek Sehrt - Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin (Germany) Solar do Alvarinho
16h00 Abi Feijó - Casa Museu de Vilar (Portugal) Solar do Alvarinho
16h30 Discussing ideas for future events and collaborations Solar do Alvarinho

03 Agosto . Friday

Hour Activity Location
Workshop Lighting in the Multiplane

The multi-award winning director/animator Abi Feijó will raise awareness for the enormous potential of lightning techniques to create environments and moods in animation films. Using the multiplane camera and a kit of 3 or 4 very simple lamps (Ikea), Abi Feijó will unveil the techniques to set a scene and lightning it up. Afterwards, he will challenge the participants to create an image (cutout, object or collage), lightning it up and animate it.

Solar do Alvarinho