Frontal Shot


Projects developed during the photograph residency FRONTAL SHOT 2023

People are the territory
O território são as pessoas

by Francesca Faulin

When we speak about territory, we mean more than just land. “The territory is the people, the rest is landscape”, says the director at the end of his documentary “Dispersos pelo centro”. Ten days are not enough to understand the complexity behind a region, a territory; a lifetime is not enough to know someone completely, yet in that tension, that striving to learn, to see the connections, to make meaning, immersing in a different reality, getting to know ourselves better and offering in return our perspective is the beauty of documenting.

OPENING - 29 July - 19:00h

  • Date: 29 July to 20 September 2024
  • Location: Casa da Cultura de Melgaço

O território são as pessoas
Francesca Faulin

Francesca Faulin

Francesca Faulin (1985) b. Venice, Italy, graduated in Sociology from University of Milan in 2005, and completed a Master level course in Fine Art Photography at IPCI — Instituto de Produção Cultural & Imagem. Francesca’s practice focuses on photography, writing, research and manipulation of archives and results in handmade artist books unique prints as well fine art prints. In 2023 Francesca founded studio seco, a creative studio and exhibition space, promoting art by curating activities and exhibitions with local artists.