Frontal Shot


Projects developed during the photograph residency FRONTAL SHOT 2023

Common Sense
Senso Comum

by André de Abreu

This project seeks to document and compare archaic practices and the knowledge they carry, passed down from generation to generation, such as agriculture and animal husbandry for subsistence, which are on the verge of disappearing or industrial transformation. On the other hand, it is important to reflect on the environmental impacts of these practices.

OPENING - 29 July - 19:00h

  • Date: 29 July to 20 September 2024
  • Location: Casa da Cultura de Melgaço

Senso Comum
André de Abreu

André de Abreu

Graduated in Visual Arts from the University of Minho with a huge interest first in drawing, later in painting and currently in analogue photography. His artistic practice is mainly developed through photographic documentation on black and white film, usually 35mm. There is also a deep interest in alternative aspects of analogue photography, namely the creation of cyanotypes, wet collodion, pinhole photography, antotypes.